Around the Water Cooler: MAFS Episode Five

Married at First Sight: It’s the show all your colleagues are talking about, and the pressure to join in is mounting. If you are looking for a way to join in the office banter without actually having to commit to watching the show, you have come to the right place!

We provide updates on every episode, summarising the hour-long show into a crisp few paragraphs so you can join your colleagues in a friendly laugh and spend your weeknights watching anything else!

Episode Five:

Two new couples are being introduced tonight: Lauren and Matthew, and Elizabeth and Sam.

Matt is a 29-year-old man who is extremely reserved and suffers from social anxiety. He also happens to be a virgin. Matt is paired with Lauren, a confident but incredibly kind. The two get along well at their ceremony, although there is some awkwardness, and Lauren promises Matt that she will take things as slow as he would like.

This next couple certainly makes for exciting television. Elizabeth is one of the most confident and outspoken people to grace Australian television. Her excessive makeup paired with intermittent shrieks and glorious amounts of fur sets her up to be a completely over the top character. However despite her appearance, and beneath all of her crazy behaviour, Lizzy does seem to be rather sweet and is excited to meet her new husband. Sam is a model and is a bit smug, to be honest. He has no problem making sly comments about his new wife’s appearance, even telling the producers that he may have to take her for some morning runs.

Both couples return to their wedding suites, where Lauren and Matt climb into the pyjamas and prepare for bed, and Elizabeth attempts to seduce her not so keen husband…

Cutest Moment from the Episode:

Matt being super excited to sleep in the same bed as a partner, something he has never done before, is incredibly sweet and innocent. Girls across the nation are swooning.

Most Hilarious Moment from the Episode:

Matt’s attempt at serenading his new wife with his deep voice was a bit awkward, a bit sweet and downright hilarious. For someone who doesn’t want the limelight on him, he seemed to be soaking it up at his wedding.