Around the Water Cooler: MAFS Episode Thirty Four

Married at First Sight: It’s the show all your colleagues are talking about, and the pressure to join in is mounting. If you are looking for a way to join in the office banter without actually having to commit to watching the show, you have come to the right place!

We provide updates on every episode, summarising the hour-long show into a crisp few paragraphs so you can join your colleagues in a friendly laugh and spend your weeknights watching anything else!

Episode Thirty:

This episode picked up after the dramatic events of the last commitment ceremony, but there is really no need to dwell in the past so let’s get on with it!

The brides and grooms were to a partner swap for the day, where they meet with another member of the experiment to discuss their relationships. This was supposed to be a purely platonic meeting, so Jess and Dan better have kept it in their pants, we don’t want either of them wrecking any more marriages.

The meetings were all rather uneventful, with people being paired with someone who tried to offer advice on intimacy, listening and compromise. These sessions provided more counselling than any of the experts have this entire season.

However, there was one pairing that was rather unproductive, Mike and Jess. The two just bickered the whole time and sassed at one another until the meeting was finally over. But that is pretty much what you would expect after the last few fiery encounters between them.

When Mike returned home to Heidi she threw a tantrum about the encounter, claiming that she felt ripped off that Mike wasn’t changed by the meeting. She attempted, unsuccessfully, to make it appear as though she was upset that he hadn’t taken the time to talk about their relationship, but really she was pissed that Mike hadn’t been told to change. All she wants is for him to change and be exactly the person she wants him to be. That’s not asking much, right?

Next, we saw three final dates, the last romantic endeavours for each of the couples before they take their final vows.

Michael made a weirdly intimate video for Martha (get your mind out of the gutter). A selection of family and friends told Martha how lovely and important she was to them, which sounds like something Martha would adore. They then proceeded to have a romantic dinner and discuss the functionality of a potentially long-distance relationship. Michael started getting moody when Martha pointed out some concerns, but eventually, they got on the same page. It is full steam ahead for this couple!

Ning and Mark stayed in a gorgeous tree house in the Blue Mountains. Ning made it clear that she wanted to take their relationship to the next level, but Mark did not reciprocate, making the whole trip a bit awkward.

Jess and Dan went on a romantic cruise then stayed in a rather dingy looking motel. They gushed over one another and continued to express their lack of regret for their actions. How charming of them.

Cutest Moment of the Episode:

Michael gifted his wife a shell with a loving message carved inside from their honeymoon, which was a very sweet gesture. Martha appeared genuinely moved by this and dove into his lap for a big kiss. She even seemed close to tears. The ice queen is melting.

Most Hilarious Moment of the Episode:

Mike’s constant jabs Jess during their meet up were hilarious. Mike definitely won this round as Jess’s response to his quick-witted insults was to moan aggressively with that ear piercing accent of hers. Nice comeback Jess.