Around the Water Cooler: MAFS Episode Twenty-Three

Married at First Sight: It’s the show all your colleagues are talking about, and the pressure to join in is mounting. If you are looking for a way to join in the office banter without actually having to commit to watching the show, you have come to the right place!

We provide updates on every episode, summarising the hour-long show into a crisp few paragraphs so you can join your colleagues in a friendly laugh and spend your weeknights watching anything else!

Episode Twenty-one:

The couples continued their week in the grooms’ hometowns, some grew closer while others drifted apart.

Cyrell and Nick seemed to be back on track and even engaged in washing the butt of his dog. How lovely.

Tamara and Dan visited his mother and sisters, and the get together did not go swimmingly. Dan’s mother was very judgemental and a bit critical of Tamara. Once his wife left she even told Dan that she truly believed she was not right for him as she was not warm enough. The next day, Dan and Tamara had a discussion whereby he told his wife that he was not willing to be overly affectionate until he was sure they had a connection, which as of yet they did not. Tamara seemed shocked and retaliated by asking why it was they had sex last night then? Dan had been called out but seemed to um-and-ah his way out of the conversation. To be continued…

Susie and Billy decided to put aside their previous tensions and start their relationship over. I am, for some unknown reason, rather dubious about how it will unfold.

Martha and Michael seemed closer than ever, and as did Jules and Cam, and Ning and Mark. Happy couples all around!

Heidi and Mike hit some troubled waters, as a romantic gesture form Mike backfired. The two were discussing the possibility of having children and moving in together. Mike then mentioned the fact that he has never told anyone that he loves them before and said to his wife “Maybe I’ll try and fall in love with you.” This did not go down well with Heidi, and despite multiple apologies, clarifications and compliments she was unwilling to let it go. It seems like these two are back to square one.

The week started off well for Jess and Mick, as they had lunch with Mick’s family, but the joy did not last. The two ended up in a massive argument because Mick had been rather critical of his wife’s family during their wedding. Jess ended up crying, causing a massive scene and calling her husband every name under the sun. Mick was not having any of it and completely disengage from the situation. Fair enough.

Cutest Moment of the Episode:

Nick asked Cyrell if she could move back into their apartment, as he didn’t want any more time away from her. Cyrell was absolutely thrilled and the moment was a huge step in the right direction for the couple.

Most Hilarious Moment of the Episode:

Jess took Mick’s mum aside to discuss his displaying of affection. She told Jess that as long as he was paying her compliments she was in his good books. Jess seemed relieved and confessed that he was constantly acting in awe of how she looked. His mum responded hilariously by saying he felt the same way about his sheep. What a burn.