Australia’s Biggest Engagement Ring Survey

Taking your relationship to the next level is an exciting moment for anyone. But with so many rules and expectations around engagement rings sometimes it is difficult to know where to start. From size to style and even price, many wanna-be-romantics feel entirely out of the loop when it comes to this important piece of jewellery.

Fortunately, salvation has arrived to guide these people out of the dark. Ashley Portas, the founder of Diamondport, one of Australia’s most well-known engagement ring destinations, has released a survey that will answer all the questions many people are too afraid to ask.

Do people really stick to the three-month salary rule? What kind of styles are popular right now? Is it better to go with something unique or a more classic design? All these questions and more are answered, to make your engagement a far less stressful event.

The questionnaire has been dubbed Australia’s Biggest Engagement Ring Survey, and Ashley hopes that it will help bring out the soppy romantics lurking beneath the surface of every young man and woman.