Out of sight, out of mind right? Wrong. Boy did this movie get me thinking about all the things (and people) I’ve left behind in 2019…

The Invisible Man began with an eerie sound-byte of waves crashing against a cliff. Although very amusing, it felt like they recorded one wave crash and played it on a loop. So with that as the opening credit scene, I sat there without any high hopes for this film.

However, to my surprise, this film proved my assumptions wrong. The secluded mansion in which the super creepy controlling ex, Adrian, occupied felt generic and predictable. But, that was just about as much as you could predict in this film. Without the annoying horror-stalker film codes, this film worked well to present a chilling story in a very mundane and normal setting. No creaky floorboards, monsters in masks, or a dumb blonde in sight – I was amazed at how well director, Leigh Whannell, told this story out of its generic scope.

A good chunk of the appeal of this film goes to the lovely actress Elisabeth Moss. She fully takes Cecilia and makes it her own. Every emotion is seen through her talented acting skills, making all emotions felt, by me, so much more accentuated. Along with the skilful acting seen in this film, the score of the film was filled with intense crescendos and painfully loud silences. The use of non-diegetic sounds, and purposefully intensified diegetic sounds, in theory is great. High emotions were achieved throughout my whole experience of the film, but it did feel a bit overused overtime. The loud crescendos of the soundtrack startles you in your seat, but once it happens a bit too often, I get bored.

As I like to say about horror films, it’s hard to not be scared at a jump scare. So yes, this film most definitely is scary, but the satisfaction from watching a horror film that is well executed is different, whether it was scary or not.

Overall, this is a great horror film which is actually well worth a watch.
