Ice Cream lovers rejoice; Häagen-Dazs have just launched a brand new flavour. Let us introduce you to the latest member of this pint-sized family, Mango & Raspberry. Consider it an ode to tropical flavours, combining delicious mango ice cream with swirls of raspberry sauce for a sweet treat that you won’t want to share.

Also joining the pint-sized line up is Caramel Biscuit & Cream and Cookies & Cream, which previously were only available in mini cups. These new flavours are in addition to Häagen-Dazs’ other four indulgent pint flavours that arrived in New Zealand late last year – Strawberries & Cream, Salted Caramel, Macadamia Nut Brittle, and Belgian Chocolate.

We recommend grabbing a spoon, peeling off the lid and getting straight into it.