Farmer launches a pro-milk campaign

‘Mission 4 Milk’, a new campaign that was undertaken by UK Farmer Andy Venables aims to promote British dairy products. Venables, who is frustrated at how milk is marketed, said that his new campaign, which includes the ‘Milk Pint Challenge’ is a way of defying the vegan trends and reinforcing the benefits of drinking full-dairy milk.

In January, a pro-vegan campaign, ‘Veganuary’ was launched. In February, the dairy industry responded with ‘Februdairy’. Venables believes that the popularity of vegan products is partly due to its engaging packaging. He said, “Milk packaging and branding has changed very little over the past 20 years; meanwhile new brands releasing plant-based alternatives, such as soy and almond clearly display the nutritional benefits of their products on their cartons, along with attractive branding. For this reason, many people are unaware that cow’s milk offers more nutritional value than many of its dairy-free counterparts and are choosing to leave their pint of cow’s milk on the shelf.”

“While some people undoubtedly suffer from dairy and lactose-related complications, a large number of those who have given up dairy have done so as a result of self-diagnosis or because it is trendy to do so according to” While there is an increased amount of non-dairy consumption, there appears to be many reasons consumers may consider switching partly, or entirely, to non-dairy products.

“They do not realise how many valuable nutrients milk contains. Mission 4 Milk aims to communicate the health benefits of milk to people of all ages, arming them with valuable information before choosing to cut dairy out of their diets.”