BOOK OF THE MONTH: Essential Oils for Beginners

Improving your health and well being is important right? We have a fantastic starter book to get you on your way, Essential Oils for Beginners, The Guide To Get Started With Essential Oils and Aromatherapy. This is a comprehensive guide to harnessing the natural power of essential oils. If you’re interested in getting started with essential oils and aromatherapy, this book is a great place to start! It has everything from the history of essential oils and how they work, to buying and storing essential oils, and a great chapter on how to blend oils for different therapeutic uses. One of the most useful sections in this wonderful book, is the list of over 60 different essential oils, each with a brief description, its properties, primary uses, other oils it blends with, and safety precautions. This is exactly what I need in an essential oils guide – something I can continually refer back to when needed, but isn’t so long and detailed that I lose sight of the basic information that I’m looking for. I love everything homemade, and this book provides just that, 85 recipes to cure a cold, headache or mood enhancing massage blends for your skin.

One of my top 5 books this month!!51uF3GqTzaL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_