How To Pick The Right Onion

Onions are an essential ingredient when it comes to cooking, bringing extra texture, flavour and enhancing the aromatics of a dish.

But are you picking the right onion for your recipe? Yes, different types of onions work differently depending on the meals you are making, and we are here to explain all of it.

White Onion


The outer layer and inner layers are white.


It is the least pungent out of all with the highest water content and the sweetest. The texture is also more tender.

Best Used for:

Gratin or stew, as this onion intensifies the sweetness of the dishes.

Yellow Onion


The outer layer is dark yellow, inner layers are yellowish-white and bigger in size.


It is the most pungent of all varieties and it’s easy to tear up when cutting it open. This one is likely to make you cry with a very strong smell.

Best Used for:

Stirfry, soups, curries.

Purple Onion


The outer layer is purple-red and the inner layers are white with purple stripes.


It’s got a moderate amount of spiciness with the least water content but the crunchiest out of all.

Best Used for:

This is the tastiest to eat raw, great for salads, side dishes and pickled vegetables.

Now that you know which onion goes with what, you can use them to their fullest potential!