Iconic Tripp Trapp Chair – There With You For Every Milestone

Part of the family from day one. The iconic Tripp Trapp chair.

For over 50 years, the Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair has found its place at the heart of over 15 million families, passing through generations and inspiring countless moments of connection and growth.

But it is more than a chair, it’s a witness to your story.

It held your little ones in the earliest moments of their lives and brought them to the table whether they were colouring or learning to read. It has heard all your inside jokes, shared thousands of family dinners, and celebrated your life-changing milestones alongside you.

The Tripp Trapp is a timeless companion that grows with us.

Through every meal.

Every conversation.

Every playtime.

Every day.

Always at the heart of our most important moments, it isn’t just a place to sit…

It’s part of the family from day one.

The family table as a foundation for growth

Real growth happens at the table. It’s where we take the time to slow down, connect, listen, and learn from each other.

This ethos is central to the design of the Tripp Trapp chair, created by Peter Opsvik in 1972. Inspired by watching his son Tor outgrow his high chair and struggle to fit into adult-sized chairs, Opsvik designed the Tripp Trapp with adjustable seat-and footplate, ensuring that it grows with the child. Its thoughtful design allows for a comfortable and ergonomic seating position at any age, offering freedom for movement and encouraging active participation at the table.

Whether it’s a loud, bustling family dinner or a rainy afternoon spent solving puzzles together, gathering around the table is what sparks real family connection. The Tripp Trapp® chair provides eye-to-eye contact between parent and child, which is important for little ones as they learn to navigate life by observing and mimicking the reactions of those around them – from smiles and frowns to everything in between. By introducing children to the table early on, the Tripp Trapp ensures they feel seen, heard, and supported in their growth. It is the foundation for everything to come.

Empowering tomorrow’s change makers

By granting children of all ages a seat at the table, the Tripp Trapp has helped raise over 15 million confident children.

When sat comfortably alongside adults, children gain a better sense of belonging and feel empowered to express themselves. Whether they’re making castles out of mashed potatoes or finger painting with Dad, the Tripp Trapp provides a supportive space that promotes exploration, independence, creativity and critical thinking. It also fosters inclusivity, empathy, and collaboration, which inspires children to grow into compassionate, well-rounded individuals. As good now, means better later.

  • Elevating children to equality

By placing children at the heart of the table, the Tripp Trapp instills a sense of belonging and importance, empowering children to express themselves and contribute meaningfully to the family dynamic.

  • Fostering independence and self-reliance

Empowerment begins with the belief in one’s own capabilities. Whether children are learning how to feed themselves or discovering how to interact at the dinner table, the Tripp Trapp promotes self-reliance and autonomy and provides a strong platform for navigating the complexities of the world.

  • Cultivating creativity and critical thinking

The Tripp Trapp chair provides a supportive environment for exploration and discovery, nurturing the innate curiosity and creativity that resides within each child. This encourages children to engage with their surroundings and think critically about the world around them.

  • Promoting inclusivity and empathy

The Tripp Trapp chair fosters inclusivity and empathy by promoting collaboration and cooperation. With a seat at the table, children are better equipped to develop a deep sense of empathy and compassion and learn to respect each other’s differences.