May The Fourth Be With You

May the Fourth is widely known around the world as being International Star Wars Day, as it plays off the famous line from several of the movies, “May the force be with you.”

To celebrate Star Wars Day, we rank every Star Wars episode from worst to best.

9: Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999)

One of the most long-awaited movies in cinematic history, The Phantom Menace was pinned to be one of the greatest films ever made. It was, however, not.

The Phantom Menace is pretty much Yoda’s terminology of “fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering,” in every sense, both on-screen and off. It was also the first time we met the delightfully terrible Jar Jar Binks, one of the most annoying characters in the entire franchise.

The film was released 16 years after the last film, some wondered if it was worth the wait at all.

8: Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002)

While this did improve significantly on the first instalment of the prequel series, it was still underwhelming. There are aspects of the film which do stand to some credit, but then there are others that just do not have any impact at all.

Attack of the Clones was the first time we saw homegrown talent, Temuera Morrison join the franchise.

7: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005)

Enough with the boring Senate scenes already.

Revenge of the Sith was in many places a brilliant example of storytelling, it’s just the first half that was pretty slow-moving.

The second half answered many of the questions we wanted to know, however, such as how Anakin became Darth Vader, the birth of Luke and Leia, and the masking of Vader for the very first time.

6:  Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (2017)

The Last Jedi was a masterpiece of storytelling, which explores the flaws of a destined hero, and has moments which will enthral the audience. The ending is quite simply spectacular.


5: Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker (2019)

Quite a controversial picking. The last instalment of the sequel trilogy was met by mixed reviews, as many were unhappy with the ending leading to an empty conclusion.

But the storyline was one of mystery, drama, and emotion, which although had flaws, was still an interesting watch.

The technology used in this film is what really made the movie what it was.

4: Star Wars Episode III: The Return of the Jedi (1983)

This film is very impressive considering it is now 40 years old. The introduction to various characters, as well as the adorable Ewoks as well.

This film has many credible moments, such as the Jabba sequence being a fitting opening, and the rescue of Han.

We also get the satisfaction of the empire’s fall at the end, as well as the exciting battle scene which we can thank for inspiring the storyline of the Mandalorian.

3: Star Wars Episode VIII: The Force Awakens (2015)


Alas after ten years, we finally got what we were wanting.

The Force Awakens is one of the best films in the franchise for its ability to deliver on so many levels.

The Force Awakens is a proper return to the Star Wars we all know and love, and had the ability to rehabilitate and introduce the series to a whole new generation.

2: Episode IV: A New Hope (1977)


A New Hope was the very first movie to be released of the Star Wars Franchise and had audiences hooked globally.  The film opened our eyes to a whole new dimension of what cinematic art could do and that is why it is referred to as the face of cinema.

A New Hope is all about the rescue of Leia, and the riveting chase which sees the Death Star blown to smithereens. It has all the action and the comedy needed for the right balance, and makes an enjoyable watch every time.

1: Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

This movie revealed the biggest surprise in any movie ever… “Luke, I am your father.”

This showstopper is just pure delight, and although quite long in length, is truly wonderful. The idea behind this film is essentially rebels vs. the Empire, where the audience always roots for the underdog. The galactic tragedy is filled with expansive landscapes, and awe-inspiring heartbreak and terror.

The Empire Strikes Back will forever be one of the best films ever made, and now almost half a century on has lasted the test of time.