New cheese study reveals health secrets

Do you love a cheesy snack but find yourself holding back due to health concerns? Well, the need for fear is gone as new studies have revealed the real health impacts of cheese, and the results are so good you will find no reason not to reach for another slice.

For years people have failed to unlock their cheese-eating potential because, by common misconception, we thought cheese sat in the ‘sometimes food’ category. However, new studies from The Lancet indicate that a cheesy diet could actually be to your benefit.

A study was carried out which examined the nutrition habits of over 130,000 people from across the world. The study showed that people eating at least two servings of dairy each day resulted in a reduced risk of strokes or developing cardiovascular disease.

Who knew that a few squares of cheese each day could actually lead to a healthy life? Now that there is no reason to deny ourselves a cheesy treat, life looks so much tastier!