Cold soggy leftover pizza.

We’ve all had the dilemma of waking up starving and being in desperate need for a quick feed. You fumble your way over to the fridge and find the leftover pizza you had for dinner the night before. However, a night of chilling in the fridge has taken its toll on the poor leftovers. So what is the best way to turn this solid cold slab on pizza into a warm slice of goodness?



It’s not the most effective reheating method, but it is the easiest. Put the slice on top of a paper towel and a microwave safe dish, give it a spin and hope for the best. It’ll be rubbery, but at the end of the day, it’s still pizza.

If it can be cooked once, it can be cooked twice. Throw it straight back on the grill for a couple minutes and it will come out crispy as if it was just cooked.

What real adventurers use, the humble toastie machine is the ultimate pizza reheating tool. Get some baking paper and slam it under the press until the cheese starts bubbling for a delightful pizza, which one could argue tastes even better.

It tastes better cold anyway. The flavours soak in and reveal their true depth overnight. It doesn’t have to be perfect to be eaten, a cold slice of pizza goodness always has been, and always will be, the best way to eat it.