Farewell Your Winter Woes

Winter is well and truly here, the cold has set in and rain is often on the horizon. If you find that the cold brings along a slump in mood and motivation, a candle might just be the mood booster you need.

Fragrances can be mind-clearing and euphoric, and are known to invite new energy into your environment and positively impact both your mood and overall sense of well-being.

“Scent is such a potent tool for wellbeing because our sense of smell is processed by the part of the brain where memories are made and emotions are processed,” said Vyrao founder, Yasmin Sewell.

Sewell spent years exploring her passion for energetic medicine before she realised that channelling energy needed to be the source of her brand. 

“Feeling joy, happiness and love benefit us spiritually and mentally and at Vyrao, we use ingredients specifically chosen to weave feelings with the highest vibration into each scent.”

Working in collaboration with MECCA, Sewell has put together a handy guide with three top tips to home scenting to help get you through the final month of winter woes. 

 Sewell first recommends taking time to understand the energy you wish to evoke and choosing a scent accordingly. Vyrao’s Rose Marie scent evokes a warming sense of self-love whilst the Ember products clear the energy of your space. Wonder is crafted for liberation and sensuality while Verdant will spark creativity and power. 

When choosing the tool to clear and amplify the energy in your home there are a few things to consider. Incense is the fastest way to shift energy as the moment it is lit, the scent fills the space. This makes it perfect for moments of meditation or short periods of time at home. Candles on the other hand are better for when you have time to settle in and enjoy the ambiance it creates. 

Sewell’s third and final tip is to understand and embrace the idea that the ritual of lighting a candle or incense in itself is a moment of self-care. It is an opportunity to focus on the change being made and how it brings about an overall sense of wellbeing.